Petty Cash 
Will be a feature of requesting money Its usage can be described as follows
1. Click on

2. At Title, enter the name of the project or project, then click

3. Click the Type item. A popup of the type of expense will appear. Can choose 1 item

4. Then click on the Date topic, date popup will appear. Choose the date of the withdrawal list. Transportation fee

5. Fill in the details as follows
– Description is a description of the withdrawal.
– Amount is the amount of expenses you want to withdraw
– Photos can be attached or not required. Done, press the button

6. You can withdraw more than one item by clicking on And can add further withdrawal list

7. Then press the button There will be a Popup, click the button

8. You will return to the Petty Cash Reimbursement page and you will see the status as Pending, wait for the HR or Admin to approve the withdrawal.
Cash withdrawal status-divided into 3 status
Status is in progress, waiting for HR approval
The status is withdrawn, canceled
The status is that the withdrawal has been approved